Khmer Round 3

                ភាសាខ្មែរលើកនេះ ខ្ញុំរៀនភាគច្រើនអំពីវេយ្យករណ៍នានា ។​​ តាមការពិតទៅខ្ញុំមិនសូវជាចូលចិត្តរៀនវេយ្យករណ៍ប៉ុន្មាននោះទេ ក៏​ប៉ុន្តែ បន្ទាប់ពីបានរៀនវេយ្យករណ៍ខ្មែរហើយ ខ្ញុំយល់ថាមុខវិជ្ជានេះគឺពិតជាគួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍ដែរអីតើស! ខ្ញុំយល់ដឺងច្រើនណាស់អំពីវា ។ ក្រៅពីការរៀនវេយ្យាករណ៍ លោកគ្រូសុខា ក៏បង្កើតឱ្យមានការបង្ហាញសម្មតិភាពផ្សេងៗជាដើម (ប្រារព្ធនៅក្នុងថ្នាក់ យកពេលវេលាដែលត្រូវរៀនខ្លះ) ។ ខ្ញុំគិតថាវាជាគំនិតល្អដែរ ក៏ប៉ុន្តែ ខ្ញុំដូចជាមិនសូវជាចង់ចូលរួមនោះទេ!  ពីព្រោះអី ខ្ញុំមិនសូវជាជឿជាក់លើសម្មតិភាពខ្លូនឯង ។​ តែទោះជាយ៉ាងណាក៏ដោយ​ ក៏ខ្ញុំគិតថានឹងចូលរួមនៅពេលណាមួយជាពុំខាន ។​

ផ្នែកវេយ្យករណ៍ដែលខ្ញុំបានរៀនមានដូចជា ៖

១)​ សព្វនាម

២) ធ្នាក់ និង​ នាម

៣) ល្បះទោល

៤) គុណនាម

៥) គុណកិរិយា

៦) ល្បះកត្តុ និងកម្ម

៧) ល្បះផ្សំ

៨) ឈ្នាប់

៩) ឧទានស័ព្ទ

ព្រមទាំង ភាសាខ្មែរ​ និង​អត្ថន័យពាក្យបណ្ដាំរបស់បណ្ឌិតធន់ជ័យផងដែរ ។

Math round 3

My highlights of round 3 math are:

I’ve learned and understood about multiplying, adding, subtracting and dividing decimals.

Pictures from

I did the ‘celebration of knowledge’ a.k.a ‘test’ and didn’t get a full score but it is OK. I have learned from my mistake. The problem was about rounding decimals and yet, I confused the decimals places. After I lost two points, I remember exactly now what place is where.

Photo from Varsity Tutors

Last but not least, Finding the volume of a rectangular prism. What I really remember and what I think I should remember is:

Volume: W * L * H

10 x 4 x 5 cuboid

A rectangular prism with a volume of 200 m3.

Photo from


Multimedia round 3

In this round, I have learned a lot about Python ( a computer programing language ) and my teacher gave me two assignments that needed to be done to test my knowledge and understanding of lessons *To test if I ever focus in class ;)*. Honestly, I got a headache doing those assignments, I kept looking back and forth the ‘information slide’ that my facilitator ( Cindy ) sent to me!.

Actually, she did not only taught me about for loop and while loop but it is my highlight so I only write about them for this post.

The first assignment was about for loop,

in the assignment, I was just doing fine until problem number 4, where I have to find some help. At last, I found my housemates and they helped me out. They told me I forgot about the break statement!!! I did not break the code after it prints out the “know, isn’t a prime number.”. So by this mistake, I learned something I should had thought while doing the exercise.

Another assignment is more advanced to me, it took me a lot-lot more time to finish especially exercise four. I first followed the instruction but then I decided to try out giving clue when guessing and it did not work the way I wanted because of indentation. Then my teacher helped me out and explained to me why my code didn’t work the way I wanted it to be. Now that I really think about the whole experience ( round ). I really need to have someone to help me when I’m struggling and luckily my friends and my teachers are always there!

For my Information,

I have learned about

  1. Booleans ( True or false a data type, __ is __, ___ is not ___)
  2. Comparisons ( Yup, I copied from the slide but well…………………… It is for my information 😉 )
  • Equals: a == b
  • Not Equals: a != b
  • Less than: a < b
  • Less than or equal to: a <= b
  • Greater than: a > b
  • Greater than or equal to: a >= b
  1. If statement
  • Indentation
  • Elif statement
  • Else statement
  1. For loop
  • Break statement
  • Continue statement
  • Range function
  1. Nested loop ( Loop inside another loop )


  1. While loop
  • Condition
  • Action



​​           នៅក្នុងថ្នាក់ភាសាខ្មែរ ខ្ញុំបានរៀនអំពី វណ្ណយុត្តិ ការប្រារព្ធពិធីបុណ្យអុំទូក​ បណ្ដែតប្រទីិប អកអំបុក​ និង​សំពះព្រះខែ ការប្រារព្ធពិធីបុណ្យកឋិន​​ និង​ការសិក្សាសិល្បនិយាយដោយ យករឿងកុលាបប៉ៃលិន​​ ហើយនិងរឿងផ្កាស្រពោន មកសិក្សា ។



Precious Plastic

Facilitator: Sushi.

What we did in the exploration;

  • Week 1: Learning about how humans make plastics, What are the ingredient and the process of making plastic products. Different techniques for making different plastic productions in factories.
  • Week 2: Went to Siem Reap, we went to Rehash trash and Naga Earth.
  • Learning about Types of plastics (Recycling, what we use it for)
  • Plastic Machines (Shredder, Compression, Injection, Extrusion) for more information visit Precious’s website
  • Meta House Visiting (Artworks)

Say No To Plastic At Liger

In this Exploration we:

  • Learn about plastic
  • Work on a policy that could be put to stop people from using plastic straws but unfortunately, the policy was not set up for people at Liger to follow.
  • Created a facebook page. (No Plastic Cambodia)
  • Counting any types of plastic that were inside Liger for four days and put it into data.
  • Go to Aeon mall 2 to meet BetterU to talk to them about grass straws that they use 
  • Go to Aeon mall to look for reusable bags and some glass bottle and gave them to Liger. (The whole community)
  • Launched Our Campaign to stop plastic straw usage in Liger!


In STEM class, we focus on Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter! To dig into that, we learned about what matters are and different kinds of matter. Matters are divided into two, Mixture Substances and Pure Substances, but we only learned about Pure substance and not the Mixture substance yet! Pure substances are also divided into two. Compound and elements which is what our main focus is on for the round.

We’ve learned that elements are made out of atoms, in an atom, there are either proton, electron or neutron. Proton, electron, and neutron, for example, are made out of quarks. In short, we focus on elements and their properties.

Math Class!


In my math class, I learn lessons from this book and in the book, it gots whole numbers, calculating whole numbers, fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions and some estimations. 

Multimedia Class

For one round, there are 7 weeks but because STEM and Multimedia class is scheduled to be in the same our. This round, we only got 3 weeks of learning Multimedia/Technology and 4 weeks on STEM. In the Multimedia class, for a week, we learn 4 days and each day of those days for one hour. In Round 1 Multimedia class, we learn to use some Adobe software to get into the basic useful usage of that software. The programmes are; InDesign, Photoshop, and Lightroom. I learn to use those programmes from some of my friends at Liger and I was taught in the multimedia class during the hours. Cindy, my facilitator of the class taught us about researching and how to get information from the internet to the closest answers as for how we wanted it to be, and to decide whether the source where we get the information from is reliable or not!  We also learn about primary sources and secondary sources as well! After learning about each of them, we did some activities to strengthen our knowledge about the topics above (The programmes, researching and practiced with primary sources and secondary sources). Oh! We learn about the algorithm and a method called “Divide and Conquer” too. That’s about all from this round…

The photo is edited. Here are the links to the original pictures’ sources. 

Original Photo of Photoshop Icon

Original Photo of Lightroom Icon

Original Photo of InDesign Icon

My Favorite Things To Do!


Hello everyone! My name is Kakrona S. I am a student at the Liger Leadership Academy. I was born in Kratie province, Cambodia. I am currently living at the Liger Leadership Academy campus, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. At Liger, we do lots and lots of stuff. Things that I love to do the most are; Dancing (Khmer dance and Hip-Hop dance), Singing, Drawing, Painting, specifically, ARTS. I also love listening to music and slow rock might be one of my favorite genre of music! Music makes me feel relax and happy! Because I love music, I hope to learn some musical instruments. My top favorite musical instrument is SAXOPHONE but I an learning guitar! The thing is that I used to dream of being a saxophone star! 🤣 Not really sure why, but saxophone stars look just so amazing while playing saxophones. Besides music, painting and drawing really make me feel unfrustrated and joyful as well! My favorite types of painting are digital painting, watercolor painting, and texture painting. While drawing, I love to do realistic, abstract, creative, stylize and cartoon or anime kind of drawing, digital drawing is hard for me but I am also learning it. At last, I think art is an important piece in my heart. ✨✨